When a child enters the foster care system because their home is no longer safe, a judge may appoint a committed volunteer to help them. That volunteer is a Court Appointed Special Advocate, or a CASA. CASA volunteers are screened, trained, supervised, and provided individualized support to advocate for the best interest of a child in foster care. They are then appointed by a judge to represent and advocate for a child’s best interest, both in the child protection system and in life. CASA volunteers are each assigned to help one child or set of siblings at a time, so they are able to focus on giving each child or sibling group the individualized advocacy and attention they deserve.

CASA continues to provide volunteer advocacy for children in Bell and Coryell Counties who have experienced abuse and neglect. These volunteers serve as the “eyes and ears” for the judge in child welfare cases. This includes researching each child’s situation and making objective recommendations to help them reclaim their childhoods from abuse and neglect. While providing quality advocacy, CASA volunteers are frequently the only stable presence in the child’s life as they navigate the foster care system.

Become a CASA

As a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) you can be the voice for children and keep them safe as they go through the process of reaching a permanent home.

Support Our Cause

CASA of Bell & Coryell Counties is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and relies on donations to fulfil our mission of serving abused and neglected children in our area.

News & Events

CASA is regularly involved in events throughout the community and opportunities to set up information booths and raise funds through local partnerships.