CASA of Bell & Coryell Counties is thrilled to announce that 6 new volunteers became Court Appointed Special Advocates on Tuesday July 12, 2022 with Honorable Dallas Sims, Centex CPS Court #2, officiating the ceremony. Following welcome remarks from CASA Board of Director President Lee Ann Deal, CASA Executive Director Kevin Kyle, and CASA Recruiter-Trainer Lolita Gilmore, each volunteer recited the CASA Volunteer Oath. Each one of these volunteer Advocates will have an impact on children who have experienced abuse or neglect in the Bell & Coryell Counties.
John Porter, Kay Woodson, Rolana Frank, Valerie McCullough, Clarissa Finona, Tara Porter-Livesay
Kevin Kyle, John Porter, Kay Woodson, Rolana Frank, Valerie McCullough, Clarissa Finona, Tara Porter-Livesay, Lolita Gilmore
New Advocates chat with each other
Lee Ann Deal, CASA BOD President, thanks the newest Advocates for their service and dedication.
Lolita Gilmore explains how a CASA can make a difference in the life of a child.
CASA Executive Director Kevin Kyle commends the newest advocates for choosing this role
Judge Dallas Sims officiates the swearing in ceremony