A Journey of Love and Commitment: The Teller-Viegut Adoption Story

It is with immense gratitude and joy that we share the remarkable adoption story of Michelle and Jennifer Teller-Viegut. Their journey is a testament to the transformative power of love, commitment, and the unwavering belief in providing a safe and nurturing home for children in need.

For over three years, Michelle and Jennifer dedicated themselves to fostering with the hope of creating a family built on love and trust. From the moment their first foster daughter entered their lives, they knew this was their calling. Their hearts were immediately touched, and they embraced the opportunity to offer a stable and supportive environment for her.

As time passed, their family grew. They welcomed another foster child into their home, continuing their mission to provide a haven for children who needed it most. Just when they thought their family was complete, CASA approached them with a request to consider fostering the sibling of their second foster child. Without hesitation, Michelle and Jennifer opened their hearts and home once again.

Over the course of three and a half years, CASA had the privilege of witnessing the Teller-Viegut family’s incredible journey. We watched as each child blossomed under their care, developing their unique personalities and forming deep bonds with their new family.

The path was not always easy. There were challenges within the system, but Michelle and Jennifer’s determination never wavered. They fought tirelessly for the well-being of these children, ensuring that they would have the future they deserved.

Their perseverance and love culminated in a beautiful moment when they officially became the proud parents of Tyler and Logan. The joy and relief were palpable as they, along with their eldest daughter, celebrated the completion of their family. The adoption not only changed the lives of Tyler and Logan but also deeply enriched the lives of everyone involved.

Michelle and Jennifer’s story is a powerful reminder of the incredible impact that foster care and adoption can have. We are honored to have been a part of their journey and are overjoyed to see this wonderful family thrive together.

Congratulations to the Teller-Viegut Family!