TXB convenience stores recently presented a check for $2,000 to CASA of Bell and Coryell Counties. TXB owns and operates convenience stores across the Central and Northeast Texas regions.
TXB hosts the Doyce Taylor Memorial McCraw Oil/TXB Golf Tournament and Fishing tournament each spring on Lake Texoma and proceeds from these events are distributed to multiple CASA offices throughout Texas. The 2024 events raised over $120,000 for TXB charities.
Sherry Capehart is the coordinator of events for TXB and made the check presentation to the CASA staff in Belton in early December. Capehart expressed her appreciation for the services CASA provides to area children. “TXB partners with CASA offices around the state because we believe in supporting the advocacy efforts that each local agency provides to abused and neglected children in their area. TXB is helping CASA make a difference, one child at a time” stated Capehart.
“Donations from TXB are vital to our growth giving us the ability to add more volunteers and to support more children in foster care in our communities” added Kyle. “We are so grateful for our partnership with TXB; it has helped make a difference in our recruiting and awareness over the past few years” stated Kyle. “The timing is special for us during the holiday season as we make sure all of our CASA children receive gifts during the holidays.”
CASA appreciates the ongoing support from TXB. If your company or organization would like to help CASA make a difference for the abused and neglected children served by CASA of Bell and Coryell Counties, please call (254)774-1881 or go online at www.casabellcoryell.org.
Photo attached L to R: Sherry Capehart, TXB and CASA Staff Members Vicki Israel, Claire Moore, Maddy
Ramos, Kevin Lee, Kevin Kyle, and Denise Hanley.